Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Book Kaleidoscope - Top 5 Most Favorite Books

Yay!! Finally the last one!
This meme is hosted by Fanda. You can join it HERE.


5. Juliet by Anne Fortier
What if Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is actually written based on a true story, and the story is actually about your own anchestor?
I found this book so interesting to read. Romeo and Giulletta's love story, the adventure, and... of course.. the view of Siena, Italy. Read my review HERE.

4. I For You by Orizuka
I cried a lot when reading this book I don't even know why.. I almost never cry when I read books. The story was so touching and I just really loved it. I remember I couldn't put this down until I finished it. Nice job, Orizuka! Read my review HERE.

3. Charlie StCloud by Ben Sherwood
I really love the idea of this story. It was so magical but also so warm. It was about family and also about moving on and catching your dream. Too bad the movie wasn't as good as the book. It disappointed me a lot. Even Zac Efron couldn't help it. Read my review HERE.

2. Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly
I love reading about French Revolution. Thanks to Rose of Versailles comic I read when I was younger. This book is about a girl in the present who found a diary of a girl in the past who lived and knew exactly what really happened during the French Revolution. Read my review HERE.

1. Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally
I love how Miranda Kenneally bravely talked about religion and sexuality in this young adult book. This book really gave me so many things to reflect. It was also fun to read despite its serious theme. How I love Corndog and Parker. They were so sweet! Read my review HERE.

That's all my Most Favorite Books of 2012. What are yours?

12 komentar:

  1. punya juliet nih, jadi pengen cepet baca :)

    1. Haha banyak yak timbunannya.. Ayo dibaca. Seru kok!

  2. Jadi pengen baca Stealing Parker. Ebook bukan? #kode...

  3. Itu yg revolution, kovernya nipu amat menurutku. Cerita tentang sejarah tapi kovernya gak mencerminkan itu ya, kecuali kunci nya aja yg agak berhubungan. IMO
    Aku belum baca bukunya soalnya

    1. Nyambung kok sebenernya mbak, soalnya tokoh utamanya yang dari masa kini, Andi, itu pemain gitar dan emang agak-agak gothic. Ehehe..

  4. Juliet lumayan bagus, tapi aku merasa kurang bisa "masuk" ke dalam ceritanya. Seru sih...

  5. 3 buku terakhir harus dicari segera :)

    1. Ikutan giveaway For A Better New Year dong. Lumayan dapet voucher buat beli bukunya. ihihi jadi promosi gini..

  6. Aku jadi penasaran sama Revolution... Ada romance-nya kah? ^^

    1. Nggak terlalu sih romance-nya. Ikutan giveaway For A Better New Year dong. Lumayan kalo menang vouchernya buat beli Revolution. Ihihihi


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