Welcome to the Crowd adalah nama baru (dan saya harapkan bisa digunakan untuk seterusnya) untuk post blog yang berisi buku-buku yang baru saya dapat, entah itu dari hasil beli, gratisan, tercetak, e-book, atau apapun. Yang penting judulnya buku yang bisa saya baca dan saya review. Posting ini akan diadakan rutin setiap bulan
Kenapa Welcome to the Crowd? Karena buku-buku yang saya beli itu... biasanya... akan bergabung dengan buku-buku lain di rak yang masih antre di baca.. sebelum akhirnya saya baca. Ngerti dong penyakit kutu buku???? Me.nim.bun. Haha. Tapi saya berusaha supaya buku-buku yang saya beli bisa cepat saya baca kok (ngomong gih tuh sama tangan).
Nah, selama bulan Juni kemarin, ada 5 buku yang saya beli: 1 ebook, 4 cetak. Semuanya saya beli ketika diskon.
1. E-Book
The Hazards of Skinny Dipping by Alyssa Rose Ivy

E-book ini saya beli di Smashwords waktu harganya hanya USD 0.99. Sekarang harga buku ini sudah naik jadi USD 2.99.
Kalau kamu berminat beli, bisa klik di sini.
2. Paket dari Better World Books
Beberapa waktu lalu ada promo beli 4 buku ke atas diskon 15%. Wah, kebetulan, ada beberapa novel yang sudah saya ingin beli sejak lama. Langsunglah saya memesan novel di sana. Setelah selesai membayar, eh.. sehari kemudian promo berubah menjadi beli 5 buku ke atas diskon 20%. Rasanya saya pengen teriak. Tapi ya sudahlah, pikir saya, toh saya belanja buku di sana sekalian nyumbang juga. Rasa sakit hati saya terobati ketika paket buku saya tiba 9 hari kemudian dalam keadaan ciamik. Hampir tidak kelihatan kalau buku-buku tersebut adalah buku bekas (kecuali The Secret Life of Prince Charming yang memang buku ex-library).
Moonglass by Jessi Kirby

Anna's life is upended when her father accepts a job transfer the summer before her junior year. It's bad enough that she has to leave her friends and her life behind, but her dad is moving them to the beach where her parents first met and fell in love--a place awash in memories that Anna would just as soon leave under the surface.
While life on the beach is pretty great, with ocean views and one adorable lifeguard in particular, there are also family secrets that were buried along the shore years ago. And the ebb and flow of the ocean's tide means that nothing--not the sea glass that she collects on the sand and not the truths behind Anna's mother's death--stays buried forever.
Banyak yang bilang buku ini bagus dan emosional. Sudah lama saya ingin membacanya. Ada kejutan ketika paket saya terima. Saya sebenarnya memesan dan membayar untuk buku versi paperback, tapi yang saya terima adalah versi hardcover lengkap dengan sampul plastiknya. Hore!
Beli di sini.
The Truth about Forever by Sarah Dessen

That's what Macy has to look forward to while her boyfriend, Jason, is away at Brain Camp. Days will be spent at a boring job in the library, evenings will be filled with vocabulary drills for the SATs, and spare time will be passed with her mother, the two of them sharing a silent grief at the traumatic loss of Macy's father.
But sometimes unexpected things can happen—things such as the catering job at Wish, with its fun-loving, chaotic crew. Or her sister's project of renovating the neglected beach house, awakening long-buried memories. Things such as meeting Wes, a boy with a past, a taste for Truth-telling, and an amazing artistic talent, the kind of boy who could turn any girl's world upside down. As Macy ventures out of her shell, she begins to wonder, Is it really better to be safe than sorry?
Sarah Dessen... Sudahlah saya tidak perlu menjelaskan lagi betapa saya menyukai buku-bukunya. Ditambah lagi, ada rekomendasi dari ibu dokter A.S. Dewi yang semakin membuat saya penasaran. Maka, saya belilah buku yang berjudul sama dengan novel karya Orizuka ini. Sengaja saya pilih versi cover lama karena menurut saya lebih cantik dari cover barunya.
Beli di sini.
The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti

Quinn is surrounded by women who have had their hearts broken. Between her mother, her aunt, and her grandmother, Quinn hears nothing but cautionary tales. She tries to be an optimist -- after all, she's the dependable one, the girl who never makes foolish choices. But when she is abruptly and unceremoniously dumped, Quinn starts to think maybe there really are no good men.
It doesn't help that she's gingerly handling a renewed relationship with her formerly absent father. He's a little bit of a lot of things: charming, selfish, eccentric, lazy...but he's her dad, and Quinn's just happy to have him around again. Until she realizes how horribly he's treated the many women in his life, how he's stolen more than just their hearts. Determined to, for once, take action in her life, Quinn joins forces with the half sister she's never met and the little sister she'll do anything to protect. Together, they set out to right her father's wrongs...and in doing so, begin to uncover what they're really looking for: the truth.
Once again, Deb Caletti has created a motley crew of lovably flawed characters who bond over the shared experiences of fear, love, pain, and joy -- in other words, real life.
Sudah lama saya ingin membaca karya-karya Deb Caletti tapi entah kenapa selalu batal membeli bukunya. Deb Caletti sudah menerbitkan banyak buku contemporary YA dan banyak yang membandingkannya dengan Sarah Dessen. Akhirnya, saya memilih The Secret Life of Prince Charming sebagai buku pertama karyanya yang saya baca. Buku ini saya terima dalam keadaan baik walau terlihat sudah dibaca berkali-kali, maklum, buku bekas perpustakaan.
Beli di sini.
Faking 19 by Alyson Noel
the surface, seventeen-year-old Alex has it made. She’s beautiful and
smart, plus she’s best friends with M, the absolute most popular girl in
school. Feeling bored with their fancy Orange County suburban town,
Alex and M decide to check out L.A.’s glitzy nightlife scene.
Pretending to be nineteen, Alex and M meet Trevor and Connor, two rich older guys. At first Alex can’t believe her luck—she gets to hang out at hip Hollywood house parties and downtown L.A. clubs. These weekend trips into the city become the perfect distraction for Alex, who is secretly struggling with her failing senior-year grades, her absentee father, and her clueless mom.
But after the initial fun wears off for Alex, she is forced to re-evaluate her friendship with M, who is hiding some secrets beneath her perfect Burberry-clad exterior…
Pretending to be nineteen, Alex and M meet Trevor and Connor, two rich older guys. At first Alex can’t believe her luck—she gets to hang out at hip Hollywood house parties and downtown L.A. clubs. These weekend trips into the city become the perfect distraction for Alex, who is secretly struggling with her failing senior-year grades, her absentee father, and her clueless mom.
But after the initial fun wears off for Alex, she is forced to re-evaluate her friendship with M, who is hiding some secrets beneath her perfect Burberry-clad exterior…
Setelah membaca Kiss & Blog karya Alyson Noel, saya tergoda untuk membaca karya Alyson Noel yang lain yang juga bergenre contemporary YA. Akhirnya, saya memilih buku ini karena sinopsisnya yang seru dan covernya yang cantik. Hehe
Beli di sini.
Yah, sekian pamer buku saya kali ini. Semoga nasib buku ini nggak cuma mentok jadi pameran tapi bisa saya baca dan review juga.
Menggoda banget sih bukunya... *pengen*
BalasHapusKalo mau pinjem boleh lho mbak, secara.. dibacanya masih kapan tau.. Tapi yang Faking 19 lagi dipinjem temen dan yang The Secret Life of Prince Charming lagi kubaca.
HapusPromonya lihat dimana mbak? Di Better World itu aku mesti cuma nemu bargain bin-nya aja
BalasHapusKalo aku sih taunya karena aku follow twitter @BWBooks tapi kalo liat di websitenya nanti suka ada bannernya kok. Saat ini memang lagi nggak ada promo yang diskon kayak kemarin jadi nggak ada bannernya di websitenya.
HapusPenasaran sama Moonglass, dua buku Kirby lainnya (Golden & In Honor) aku udah baca dan sukaaa banget :-)
BalasHapusHoyaa??? Aku juga penasaran sama Golden, banyak yang bilang bagus.
HapusWah, pokoknya aku nunggu review disini aja. Biasanya yang dibaca Nana selalu membuatku pengen baca juga :)
BalasHapusHehehe. oke deh mbak