Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

For a Better New Year Giveaway (INT)

2012 nearly ends. So far, this year has been great to me. I made this blog in 2012. I've met so many book bloggers, authors, and read so many good books in 2012. And the best thing is... There is no apocalypse!! kkk... It's already December 22 here and I'm still fine. Oh okay, maybe except the teeth surgery part. Yep, I had my last wisdom teeth pulled out this afternoon but I don't want to talk about it right now because the procedure was quite scary actually. But I'm okay now, so lets just get back to the giveaway.

As my way to celebrate this year and also welcoming the new year, 2013, I decided to throw another giveaway. But this time, tt's special. My giveaway is INTERNATIONAL!! Yep yep.. My first international giveaway.

The prize will be a USD 10 Gift Certificate from BetterWorldBooks.
There will be only 1 winner. 
Open until January 1, 2013 12.00 GMT+7

  • Just enter and follow the order on the rafflecopter. And pray that you'll be the lucky winner.
  • The prize is Gift Certificate, sent via e-mail. The winner will have to order the book(s) and settle the payment process by her/himself.
  • BetterWorldBooks sells used and new books with wide range of price and offers free shipment to all countries, but please be sure you have read any information you need on its website.
And.. here's the rafflecopter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Okay then, have a nice holiday everyone!!!

26 komentar:

  1. Holiday? What holiday??

    Will be busy working on my undergrad thesis revision :'(

  2. me and my family planned to go to jogja and stay for 4 nights next week:)

  3. Holiday? Muahahaha....aku gak libur, na. Kerjaanku gak kenal libur. Hahahahahahikshahahahaha.....

    1. Oiyaa...
      Aku juga sih sebenernya, tapi ketolong Sabtu-Minggu libur, sama yang kejepit-kejepit itu jadi lumayan panjang.. 26-28 mah masuk. Mana ujannya lagi ga kenal ampun, Jakarta buanjirr, muacheett. Bikin males. hehehe

  4. Ngerjain tugas yang bertumpuk menjelang UAS :D
    Ada sih rencana mau ke Solo bareng BBI Jogja tapi belum pasti

  5. emm... liburan ini ngga ke mana-manaa.. cuma di rumah -____-

  6. Liburan bukan karena cuti bersama dan tanggal merah. Tapi emang jadwal rolling kerja kebagian libur. Libur kemana? Di rumah aja baca buku yang ada sambil cari buku (baca:berburu bookgiveaway :P)

  7. Will have 2 days 1 night with Center of Orangutan Protection and then enjoy the rest of the holiday w/ my friend in Yogyakarta. This will be our first trip without parents!

    1. Center of Orangutan Protection? That's cool!!

  8. I'm going to read books and book blogging! :)

  9. I just wanna finishing dunia sophie #bukubantal and the fault is our stars

  10. Mau baca buku aja, deh, sama kopdar BBI Bandung dengan bintang tamu mbak Astrid, insya Allah. :))

  11. Agenda liburan tahun baru beberes lemari buku,hehehe. Sudah berniat untuk menulis cerpen *baru niat*, semoga jadi ceritanya.

  12. libur sih, tapi aku bakal baca buku kuliah. soalnya abis liburan langsung uas. cayoooo :DD

  13. Ikutan giveawaynya ya kak (: Makasih udh ngadain lg :D Selama liburan aku di Perth :D ceceku tinggal di Perth, dia nikah n rayain di Perth. Blm bnyk jalan2 sih. Cm makan2 aja sm keluarga :D skg ccku lg honeymoon, jd aku n kluargaku tinggal di apartemen aja. Ntr pas dia plg bru jln2. Selama ini aku bc novel n nulis. Planningku sih selama liburan ini mau rewrite novelku, trus bkin blog yg isinya karya tlisku, sm ikut lomba2 gitu ;D happy holiday guys! (;;

    1. Kak, freebies itu apa ya?

    2. Freebies itu artinya gratisan. Cukup klik aja udah ga usah ngapa2in lagi. Ehehe..

    3. Tp kn ada kolom buat isi gitu, itu diisi apa kak? Hehe.

    4. Ga usa diisi apa-apa atau isi aja terserah apaan. Ehehhe..

    5. Okedeh thanks a lot kak :D

  14. Ngehafalin Qur'an, baca buku :D

  15. Ngelanjutin draft novel yang gak kelar-kelar :p Tapi ... jalan-jalan dulu ke Surabaya, sehari aja sih

  16. Thesis writing, finishing up my final year project, and reading in between the craziness xD


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