Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Book Kaleidoscope 2012 - Top 5 Best Book Covers

The 2nd post of Book Kaleidoscope 2012. This is  meme hosted by Fanda. You can join it HERE.


5. Infinitely Yours by Orizuka
The cover is cute and romantic. And I always love negative space. So.. Yeah..

4. Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally
I love the green. It feels so cozy to lay down on the grass, feeling the sunshine upon you..And since Parker is a softball player, the cover also tells you about the story inside.

3. On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves
So blue, so pretty. I think this picture is so simple yet beautiful. Makes me want to go to the beach. Maybe Lombok next year?

2. Abandon by Meg Cabot
Thank GOD Gramedia decided to use the original cover for this book because it's so GORGEOUS!!!
I love the floral swirls and the girl is so beautiful. Everything on this cover is GORGEOUS!!

1. Hooked by Liz Fichera
I'm currently reading this book. The US cover is not that great, but what I got from NetGalley is the Australia version and the cover is so pretty!! It reminds me a lot of the time when I was still active in livejournal making fanarts and how I loved to use bokeh textures back then. Kkk..

Well, those are my favorites. What are yours?

8 komentar:

  1. Udah posting hari ini ya, na?

    AKu juga suka sama cover2 pilihanmu

    1. Iya. Abis besok-besok kerja lagi. Trus ga yakin juga bisa ngeblog or nggak. Bisa sih dischedule postnya cuma nggak bisa masukin link-nya ntar. ehehe.

      Kkk.. Seleraku simpel ya...

  2. I love no. 2, it's simple but classy and elegant.

    1. Abandon? Yep yep... I love the ochre and black combination.

  3. Aku juga mau masukin on the island hihi...kayaknya... Dipilih dipilih dulu deh...

  4. baru tahu istilah bokeh texture, keren juga ya :)

  5. aq juga suka sama Abandon, ceritanya juga bagus. Meg Cabot memang serba bisa, nulis model apa aja menarik dan punya kesan tersendiri.


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