Selasa, 04 September 2012

Beautiful Disaster

Title: Beautiful Disaster
Author: Jamie McGuire
Publication date: August 14, 2012
Publisher: Atria Books
Price: USD 10.41 @ The Book Depository

Abby Abernathy seems like a nice and innocent girl, no one including herself would believe that she would be in The Circle that day to watch the campus' illegal ring fight. But there she was, and then, she met Travis "Mad Dog" Maddox, one of the strongest fighter, and also a guy she must avoid the most. After that, Abby's life would never be the same again.

Travis Maddox was the campus' notorious bad boy. Unstable emotion, unbeatable, and also known as a Walking One-Night-Stand. Every guy afraid of Travis and every girl wanted to sleep with him. But when he met Abby, he knew that only Abby could fulfil his thirst for his whole life. Travis was fallen in love for the first time with Abby and he would try the hardest to get Abby in his hand.

A small bet between Travis and Abby led Abby to live in Travis' apartment for a month. As they spent time together, their relationship grew. In a rough and romantic way.

Were they really meant for each other? Or was their love story a complete disaster?
First, I'd like to thank Atria Books for giving me a free copy via NetGalley. I've read so many mixed reviews about this book on Goodreads. Some readers gave 5 stars without hesitations while the others also gave 1 star so easily. I mean, how bad a book can be to earn 1 star while there are people also giving it 5 stars? This mixed reviews really intrigued me to read it and judge it by myself. Apparently, I also ended up with mixed feeling about this book.
This book may be not your average young adult romance book and if you're looking for a novel with good morale in it, I really don't recommend you to read this book. The relationship between Abby and Travis had so many ups and downs. So many romance and cute moments but also a lot of fights, violence, and swearing.

It wasn't easy to decide whether I  love or hate the main characters, Abby and Travis. Sometimes they were so normal but on the other time, their relationship feels so wrong. Sometimes I could understand Abby's feeling and her decision but on the other times, I felt like this girl was really stupid and out of her mind. I hated Travis in the beginning. Thanks to his possessiveness attitude towards Abby. But in the middle of the book, I felt like he's so sweet and vulnerable. But then, I turned up hating him again because of his over jealousy and insecurity feeling. This boy is a total mess.

The plot is focusing on development of Abby and Travis' relationship and also their relationship with each other's past. It's like reading the story of Abby and Travis walking through test by test for their relationship until they took their final decision. I love Travis' family and the moment Travis and Abby spending their time with the Maddox is my favourite moment in this book. Abby's relation with his father, sadly, wasn't told properly. I really hope that the author would give more portion about Abby's past.

Overall, it was quite fun to read young adult love story that a bit different from my average readings. It is really far too good to deserve 1 star review. It really gave me a roller coaster sensation when reading it and offers something new. But really, I don't think Travis would make a list in My Book Boyfriend List. If I find someone like Travis in real life, I would run away as fast as I could without thinking twice. This type of guy is really isn't a good-to-be-fallen-in-love-with-type. This guy is only hot in a novel, not in real life!!

Recommended for young adult readers who are strong enough reading many bloody scenes and have stable mind. Hehe..

14 komentar:

  1. I've heard wildly varied reviews on this book. I'll have to try it out for myself! Great review.

    1. yes you certainly have to try to read it.
      The story is quite well written and the characters were consistent too, despite its brutally-romantic love story.
      Thanks for stopping by ^_^

  2. I have also heard some mixed reviews about this book. Sometimes though they usually end up being the best! Great review :)

    New Follower :)

    1. Hi Alex! nice to meet you.
      Yeah, this book is actually quite interesting. I can say that I don't regret reading it. You must try reading it too.
      Following back your blog btw.

  3. Nana, ini premisnya mirip Perfect Chemistry ya? Yang cowok badboy yang cewek... eh tadi yg cewek nice and innocent gituh.

    Huhu kok kayaknya emosinya jadi ke aduk2 ya. Btw, jadinya kamu rating brp?

    1. Sekilas mirip ya, tapi ternyata nggak sama sekali Ky. Perfect Chemistry sih masih manis banget ketimbang ini buku. Ini tuh brutal, sadis, gila. Setres deh bacanya. Aku kasih bintang 3 di Goodreads. Sebenernya ceritanya cukup enak diikutin, tapi moralnya gak ada. Malah bisa mendorong remaja melakukan hal kayak gitu. Makanya kukasih bintang 3 aja. Mau baca Ky?

  4. ini kayaknya bagus. udah ada terjemahannya kah?

    1. belom, baru release soalnya. hehe. Semoga diterjemahin.

    2. Aku baru-baru ini tertarik sama buku ini karena liat reviewnya bertebaran dimana-mana. Ternyata sekarang udah ada terjemahannya yaa.

  5. Aku udah punya e-booknya, tapi masi ngga terlalu mood untuk baca =p
    Kalo dari segi critanya sih kayaknya tipeku, tapi banyak yang bilang kalo Travis itu bad-boynya kejauhan n brutal bgt. Trs mungkin ngga bisa dimasukin kategori young adult soalnya cerita lebih dewasa gt. But maybe I'd give it a chance to read someday

    1. Travis emang brutal sih, tapi bagusnya dia nggak nyakitin Abby.
      Baca aja Cha. Kali suka.

  6. aku sudah baca sampe bab 19..huhuu..
    aq jdi bebner2 tergila-gila ama travis maddox...bahkan sampai nangis juga di bab 17 kalo ga salah hiks....

  7. Shared dong lanjutannya. Ga nemu sampai habis..

  8. Shared dong lanjutannya. Ga nemu sampai habis..


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