Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Someone Like You

Title: Someone Like You
Author: Sarah Dessen
Year Published: 1998
Pages: 281
Publisher: Speak
Price: Rp. 93.000 (aksara bookstore)

The story took 9 months from the beginning til the end. It began one summer before Halley's junior year started. The beginning of her new phase of life. Her best friend, Scarlett, was pregnant a deceased boy's baby. Michael, Scarlett's new boyfriend, got killed in a motorcycle accident and weeks later, Scarlett found out that she was pregnant. Then, Halley met Macon, a bad boy who was also Michael's best friend and suddenly, she fell in love with him. Halley's life, then, revolved aroud helping Scarlett getting through her pregnancy, spending time with Macon and his law breaking stuffs, and growing distance with her parents who suddenly didn't seem to understand Halley at all. Especially her mom. A lot of things happened to Halley's life that year. A lot of lessons learned. In the end, it was the meaning of growing up.

Well.. It's kinda hard giving opinion for this book. I know that this is a good book since it has a good message, whether it's for teenagers, parents with teenage kid, or just common readers to understand more about teenager's way of thinking. The issues are very close to reality and we can learn so much from reading it. But the problem is.. I don't like Halley. Yep, I don't like the main character. I can't feel any symphaty for her because i think she's so stupid. How could she be so blind that Macon was actually a very bad guy? I mean.. Come on.. When a boy really loves you, he wouldn't avoid your parents. He would be gently knocking at your door, asking for your father's permission when he wanted to take you out. But Macon.. Ugh! I really don't understand what made Halley fall for him actually. Haha.. It's purely my own opinion anyway. Maybe i can say it now because i'm not a teenager anymore so everything looks so simple right now. I don't know, maybe if i read this book about 10 years ago, i would hail Halley like a heroine or something like that. On the other hand, Scarlett was my favourite character. She was so strong, so mature, and so responsible. I love how she could tell whether Halley was wrong or not without being scared that her bestfriend would leave her. I love her decision for keeping the baby no matter what. And the ending... I love it!

Overall, i think this is a nice young adult book. I really am looking forward to read more Sarah Dessen's novel (of course after i finish One Day, Water for Elephants, The Hunger Games Trilogy, and So I Married the Antifan.. my GOD!!) << ignore this..

Recommended for parents with teenage kids, teenagers or simply for readers who love reading stories with real life conflicts (like me).

5 komentar:

  1. ini termasuk salah 1 wishlistku, soalnya penasaran sama Sarah Dressen. Nemu di aksara mana, mbak?

    Hmm...dari review di atas, kok aku ikutan antipati duluan ya sama Halley?
    Tapi aku penasaran sama endingnya. Would it be a kind of happy ending?

    1. hehe. ceritanya memang bertema pencarian jati diri remaja gitu sih, makanya karakternya Halley kok seakan-akan serba salah banget. Tapi secara keseluruhan ceritanya bagus kok.

      Aku nemu di aksara CITOS. banyak mbak, buku-bukunya Sarah Dessen segala judul ada.

  2. Dulu pernah baca novel itu. Nemu di tempat lengganan rental buku luar. Penasaran karena pengarangnya sarah Dressen. Actually I'm bored enough with this book. (Memang saya suka boring sama buku-buku yang nyeritain tentang pencarian jati diri seseorang.hehe) It's not same with my expectation. :(. Tapi lumayan buat bacaan weekend. :)

    1. Ih enak banget ada rental buku luar!!! mau banget!! hihi.
      Terus terang, aku juga berpendapat kalau cerita di buku ini agak membosankan karena si Halley-nya bener-bener bikin gemes. Kok ya bisa sebuta itu sih? Dan aku berharap masalah hamilnya Scarlett bisa lebih diangkat lagi jadi lebih seru. Tapi aku tetep suka karena kedekatan cerita ini dengan realitas. Emang kenyataannya hidup itu membosankan kalau dibuat film atau buku. Hehe. Dan yang bagus juga, walau buku ini ditulis tahun 1998, isinya tetap relevan sampai saat ini.


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